BSA Troop 84, Stuarts Draft, Virginia

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Thought of the week!

The Scout Law says that a scout is helpful. As we enjoy this Thanksgiving weekend, remember all of the help that you have gotten; And thank all of the people that have helped you in life.

Thought of the Week

“Cheat and get away with it: the victory is meaningless. Cheat and get caught: people will never forget.”   This is why we remember that a Scout is Trustworthy

Antetam Hiking Trip Overview

We decided to have a hiking trip at some of the battlefieldsĀ from the battle of Antietam. Antietam was a battle in the Civil War that was won by the Union. We saw a lot of interestingĀ areas and got a good history of what happened. We started were the battle first started and walked to the Continue Reading